Search the Job
First thing you need to do is to search for the best suitable job that you think matches your qualifications and expertise.
Open the Job
Open the job and read the Job description and requirements carefully.
Apply to the Job
Following are the steps that you need to follow in order to complete your application
1. Click on the Apply Now
2. Create your profile if you are not registered with Mesaar already (Link to create a profile)
3. If you are already registered with Mesaar, system will direct you to Apply Job Page
In this phase, you will be requested to:
- Add vacancy specific Personal Info
- Note that this requirement will be different for each vacancy depending upon the requirement of the employer.
- Add your CV
- Click on Save and Continue
4. Next Step for you will be to:
- Confirm that you meet the minimum qualifications by answering employers’ questions in Yes and No.
- Rate your self against the specific skills required by the employer.
- Upload the required documents (if any).
- Note that above will be different for each vacancy depending upon the requirement of the employer.
- Click Save and you will receive an notification email from Mesaar for the confirmation of your successful application.